Hi there, I am trying to extract the information from an URL but I got the following error:
> ERROR Webpage Retriever 4:145 Execute failed: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character in path at index 149: https://www.infobae.com/colombia/2023/11/16/juez-que-recibio-soborno-de-30-millones-en-una-caja-de-zapatos-por-parte-de-carlos-mattos-fue-destituida/
In your table creator the URL has a space at the end. Spaces are not allowed in URLs and that is why the Webpage Retriever fails with the error message.
Kind regards,
Hi @AlexanderFillbrunn thank you but I removed the space at the end and still does not work. I guess that is probably due to VPN since I am running the workflow with my company’s computer.
WARN Webpage Retriever 3:145 Call #1 failed: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: jakarta.ws.rs.ProcessingException: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: SSLHandshakeException invoking https://www.infobae.com/colombia/2023/11/16/juez-que-recibio-soborno-de-30-millones-en-una-caja-de-zapatos-por-parte-de-carlos-mattos-fue-destituida/: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
ERROR Webpage Retriever 3:145 Execute failed: SSLHandshakeException invoking https://www.infobae.com/colombia/2023/11/16/juez-que-recibio-soborno-de-30-millones-en-una-caja-de-zapatos-por-parte-de-carlos-mattos-fue-destituida/: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
Yes, this is probably the VPN. It worked for me. You can ask the Webpage Retriever to ignore SSL errors, then it should work. But recommended would be to import your companies root SSL certificate into your KNIME AP’s cacerts file like explained here under “Client configuration”.
Kind regards,