Where and how can I extract the unique table values?

The workflow is complete. I generate unique table value sets (text values ​​with variable length rows in a column) from data stored in a table within a recursive process. During the recursion, the tables with unique value sets are created at a certain point in the process. The problem is: where and how can I extract the unique table values ​​so that I can write them to Excel?
Each table (unique value set) should be placed in the same Excel file, but on separate worksheets. The input files are placed in the table to be filtered, depending on their content (whether they contain keywords or not), and at the end of the recursion, among the unique value sets.

Hey there,

so in general when the outputs are collected, there should be by default a column “Iteration” that shows for each row in which iteration of the loop it was generated. The index is 0-based so first iteration = 0, second iteration = 1 etc.

So if you filter the iteration column for 0, you get output of first iteration.

If you wanted to save each iteration output to a different sheet of the same Excel file you could use a group loop after recursive loop end and group only by your iteration column. Inside your loop you then save to Excel and pass in the sheet name via flow variable - the Group Loop should already generated string-type variables by default so you could just use that to drive the sheet name (or build any other logic…)


I will try to put together the end of the session as described. Thank you :slight_smile:

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Great! thank you so much!!! it worked


Glad I could help. If you don’t mind: click the checkbox on my last post to mark it as solution. This way it is tagged in the first post and anyone coming across this topic when searching can get there immediately :slight_smile:

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