Why every Data Engineer should learn a Visual Programming Language like KNIME

In a complex data world, spreadsheets alone are often not enough. For #data #engineers, the work has become even more demanding. @deganza makes a case for learning a #visual #programming language like #KNIME to solve 99% of your data engineering tasks. Enjoy the data story!

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For everyone who would like to transition from a spreadsheet tool, like Excel, to KNIME, we do have some resources for self-studying available, like webinar recordings on YouTube (e.g. this “Automate Out of Spreadsheet Hell with KNIME”: https://youtu.be/As94a7JRaFg?si=jTxFuYv0cs_iMZYg), a transition booklet (“From Excel to KNIME”: https://www.knime.com/knimepress/download-from-excel-to-knime), or a cheat sheet (“KNIME for Spreadsheet Users”: https://www.knime.com/cheat-sheets)


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