Hi there,
I recently completed the [L1-AP] course, and I want to take the L1 exam. However, I see there are two legacy courses: [L1-DS], and [L1-DW]. I would like to take these courses before writing the L1 exam, but since they are legacy courses, I am worried that it will negatively impact my knowledge on KNIME for the L1 exam.
Do you recommend that I take these two legacy courses before writing the L1 exam, or is only taking the latest [L1-AP] course sufficient?
Your certification badges are managed by Credly, not on our LearnUpon. Consequently you do not see your badges on LearnUpon. LearnUpon simply administers certification exams and keeps track of which exams you are eligible to take. I hope this answers your question.
Thank you. Is there a unique L1 exam ID I can find somewhere to add to my LinkedIn? There is a section called Credential ID when uploading certifications.