Workflow Batch Execution Problem

Hi @hwwangf ,

I was playing around with the “Call local Workflow” node, too. I was trying to execute it in batch mode but couldn’t get it to run. Then I came across this post from February this year that may (? :slight_smile: ) be relevant to you:

Like I said I ran into some problems with calling the nested workflows in batch mode:

“C:\Program Files\KNIME\knime.exe” -nosave -consoleLog -noexit -nosplash -reset -application org.knime.product.KNIME_BATCH_APPLICATION -workflowDir=“C:\Users\XXX\knime-workspace\2020_08_10_Multiple_Reports_Parent_Workflow”

It returned the following message in the knime.log: Cannot determine ID of local mountpoint
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot determine ID of local mountpoint

When I used the mountpoint connector as shown in the linked thread, I could successfully execute the nodes. I’m not sure whether our problems are the same but maybe you can have a look.

I’m currently on KNIME version 4.7.5 with updated nodes, and I think that the type of image that you import might be relevant, too (embedded vs URI vs …).

Parent workflow settings:

Child work flow report template with embedded image:

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