Workflow Demo Joiner Components

@takbb I’m trying to use your Joiner workflow and get a variety of errors. I’ve tried to isolate the problem, but its beyond me. I’m on KAP 5.3 Windows 11. Help would be much appreciated.
H2 Connector

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Hi @rfeigel , I think I see the problem, and strange that I haven’t seen it crop up before.

Just to confirm, can you reset all the nodes/components on the workflow, and then manually execute each of the joiner components one-at-a-time and let me know if they then all execute successfully.

I think what is happening is if they are all executed together on the same workflow they are “colliding” because behind the scenes they are all using the same h2 database. I’ll try to fix asap, but I need to go out in a short while so it may take a little longer.

Edit: If you update the components this is hopefully now fixed.

I’m sure you know how to update components @rfeigel :wink: , but I’m adding this for the benefit of anybody else coming across this problem…

In Modern UI, right click somewhere on the background “canvas” of the workflow and select “Check for linked component updates”.

In Classic UI, update with Ctrl-Alt-U or the “Update Links” option on the Node menu:

Once updated, the problem should be resolved. please let me know if it’s fixed for you.


@takbb You’re the best. Update works perfectly.


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