Workflow not running in command line, only Knime application opens

Hi I would like to run Knime workflow with the following commands it only opens the Knime application but not opening and refreshing my workflow.
Please help to find the issue. Thanks in advance

–launcher.suppressErrors -nosave -consoleLog -nosplash -reset
-application org.knime.product.KNIME_BATCH_APPLICATION
-workflowDir=“C:\Users\estrellado.g\knime-workspace\PH CTMZ MPD SCORECARD”

Hi @ghie_estrellado ,

Welcome to the KNIME forum. Your post was back in February and somehow it seems to have got missed. Did you resolve your problem? If not, did you try exporting your KNIME preferences to a file (in Classic UI that’s on File-Export Prerences) and then including this on your command line:


I would also perhaps try it without the -launcher.suppressErrors

I hope you already solved your problem, but if not I hope this helps!

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Adding my two cents too. I struggled running Knime in Batch mode first, too. I creataed a bash script and scheduled it via cron on an AWS Linux Workspaace like so:


cd /ptah/to/knime-app-directory

./knime -consoleLog -nosplash -application org.knime.product.KNIME_BATCH_APPLICATION -reset -nosave --launcher.suppressErrors -workflowDir=/path-to-workflow-to-execute-wiith-spaces-escped/like\ so

A commaand examaple from @mlauber71 on Windows looks like this:

C:\Program Files\KNIME\knime.exe" -nosave -consoleLog -noexit -nosplash -reset -application org.knime.product.KNIME_BATCH_APPLICATION -workflowDir="C:\Users\mfarran\knime-workspace\test

Disappointingly, the new documentation is void of that part:

But, thanks to the awesome Wayback Machine, it’s not lost!

@ScottF do you happen to know why the FAQ seems to not contain previously existing FAQ information?


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@ghie_estrellado @mwiegand I had recently compiled all information I could get about knime and batch processing into this article:

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“Sexy” is not giving enough kudos to that awesome article! I whish I had enough time writing articles.

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