I’m running jobs off the time Knime Server. As a job runs on the server, you’ll see the workflow name and a date&time stamp. I have not been able to get that date&time so it can be used in the workflow.
I’ve tried using the Date&Time Widget at the head of my workflow. That only gives me the time the node was activated. There seems to be a 2-3 second delay between workflow start-time and reaching that first node.
Any suggestions on how to obtain that workflow run-date&time created by Knime Server (I’m guessing) from within the workflow?
Interesting question. I’m curious what the use-case behind this is.
Generally, the timestamp in the name is created by KNIME Server (not the executor running the job), which explains the few seconds time shift. This is the job’s default name, if not specified otherwise during the creation of the job (and always uses the UTC time zone if I recall correctly). The timestamp is only there for distinction and isn’t really intended to be used in further processing.
However, it is technically possible to retrieve the job’s name by extracting the job ID (Extract Context Properties node) and then making a REST call to the server (GET /rest/v4/jobs/{job-id}), but again, this wasn’t really a use-case we had in mind. We would be happy to understand the situation better and maybe provide something more user-friendly in the future.