@Ayazins welcome to the KNIME forum
Maybe you can take some inspiration from these entries. If you have further questions you might want to construct a minimal example demonstrating a question.
Excel Sheets iterate
You should set the Flow variables in the (well) “Flow Variables” section of the Excel Import node. If you just have one Excel file you could use a static input and use the sheet names as variables. The attached example should work and can be modified.
kn_example_excel_consolidate_multiple_sheets.knwf (43.3 KB)
Excel types of loops
Read and annotate Excel files
I would’ve used a Chunk Loop Start node to isolate the individual rows of URLs generated by the List Files node.
The Output of this node gets split into 2 branches:
the 1st branch goes to a Table Row to Variable node which converts the URL into a variable which can then be used to tell an Excel Reader node which file to grab.
the 2nd branch leads to a Cell Splitter node with an appropriate delimiter such as the forward slash, which allows you to isolate the file name portion of the URL. You c…