You had previously selected the 'Bundled' option, but no Python environment is available. Switched to 'Conda'.

Hi all,

opened up my KAP 5.4 recently and when I tried to run a WF with a Python script I got this error:

You had previously selected the 'Bundled' option, but no Python environment is available. Switched to 'Conda'.

In my settings the option “Bundled” is greyed out…

When I click “configure” on the node I also get an error:

This happened with this WF:

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This one really has me scratching my head. Luckily I had plenty of KNIME compatible conda environments on hand so that I was able to simply pick one and at least for now I can work with Python in KNIME again.

I took some time to investigate further:

  • I noticed this instruction in the settings to enable the bundled env:
  • Both the guide and the instruction point to Python Integration Extension, which I have already installed in the correct version:

I ended up de-installing and then re-installing the Python integration extension and voila:


Still a really weird “bug”… Think with that - topic can be closed :slight_smile:

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