"Zoom In" keyboard shortcut

There are some pictures in the post above. A lot of the capabilities have been sidelined waiting for v5 keyboard shortcuts, but I started adapting the macros this week now that 5.3 seems to have brought them back in force.

Hard to list all of the hardware and software macros since they combine various functions. The big knobs handle zoom and scroll nav like a joystick (especially useful for live walkthroughs and platform demos), most of the lcd screen buttons connect / place / open config of either nodes or entire preconfigured components (pasted as text values), they manage node connections and nudge placement, they control execution / cancel / loop steps as well as macros like close config + execute node, they manage multi value clip board lists (currently using Ditto) for code snippets / formula values / column references, the mouse and keyboard are also customized when using KNIME. There is a lot more, but this would get article length pretty quickly. :rofl:

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