If this does not help it might be that there is a problem running this component on Windows. In any case. In order to help you might in the future provide some more details about your problem (How to write a good post).
Inside this component the errors happen on Phython Script (Labs) nodes:
ERROR Message inside both scripts.
An exception was raised by the Python Proxy. Return Message: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\xxxxxxx\Miniconda3\envs\py3_knime_1\lib\site-packages\py4j\clientserver.py", line 581, in _call_proxy
return_value = getattr(self.pool[obj_id], method)(*params)
File "C:\Program Files\KNIME\plugins\org.knime.python3.scripting_4.6.1.v202207221015\src\main\python\knime_kernel.py", line 183, in setInputObject
obj = pickle.load(file)
File "statsmodels\tsa\statespace\_representation.pyx", line 1323, in statsmodels.tsa.statespace._representation.dStatespace.__setstate__
KeyError: 'initialized_diffuse'
I haven’t the Error Log to report (I don’t know why!!).
Could you try to run this workflow with an updated SARIMA learner:
It would be good if you could point to the concrete workflow you are using since there seem to be a lot of components out there. From the screenshot it seems to use your Python environment while the new one uses the bundled one.
I’m not so expert by the way, I make the last updating of all extensions just today and in addition components like SARIMA learner/predictor look for exisisting updating every time that you open the workflow and KNIME asks for updating. So I think that the workflow are working with the last updating of SARIMA components.
Concerning Python environment see the installed extensions:
Copying and pasting both SARIMA components (Learner and Predictor) in the SARIMA Temperature Forecasting Example the workflow now run correctly, but if I past only SARIMA Predictor it doesn’t work. So maybe both components are differents from the components used in the Time Series Component Updated.
How can I check the version of the component in use?
How do I save the new components in place of the ones listed in EXAMPLE\00Component\Time Series?