You can use the ‘Send Email’ node for this. You can do something like so in the workflow where you store the emails you want to send with their corresponding attachments location like:
But can we generate the email in the HTML type to preview it? Like, we export all the emails into a folder and it would be opened with Chrome HTML to view the content the will be sent?
I am not sure if you can directly export from the send email node as there is no output from it, but you can select whether or not you will use HTML or text to fill in the body.
Now, you will have to do this before the send email, where you have some column that has the html containing the text you want to send with the email. You can possibly use the reports and write it to HTML using ‘Report to HTML’ and preview the file that gets outputted so you can give it a look over.
The simplest way at least I can think of would be to just send yourself a variety of expected formats for the email with differing attachments and see if they look fine.