Collect emails from email server

Recent days I see a lot of questions about emails. It is a great opportunity to send reports directly from KNIME.
But what about reading emails?
Is there a way to collect emails and use email as a trigger for the workflow to start processing the body of the message?
Surprisingly, I haven’t found similar questions on the hub and my first attempt failed (I tried to connect to POP3 server with HTTP(S) connector but with no success).

I think I’m not the only one who could use this approach if it is feasible, for sure.


Hi @DmitryIvanov76 -

This is an interesting question! As far as I know, there isn’t a way to do this directly using a single node in KNIME. I know the Tika Parser can read .eml files - a specialized format, to be sure - but there’s not a way to monitor an email inbox in real time.

As a workaround, maybe you could set up your email software to save the email text in a particular directory, perhaps using a forwarding rule or similar. Then you could use a component like the one below to watch for new emails, and afterward start processing:

At any rate, we have a ticket for this feature request in our system (AP-9187), and I have added a +1 on that from you.


Hi @ScottF,

could you give a +1 from me as well? :slight_smile:


Sure, no problem. The more the merrier :slight_smile:


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Updating this thread to let everyone know the new Email Reader (Labs) and associated nodes were added in the 5.2 release. :slight_smile:

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