Color Histogram JavaScript Color

Hi everyone, I am trying to add color categories to the JavaScript Histogram but I am unable to do so. The node “Interactive Histogram Local” can add the colors based on a nominal column but due to the “real” data characteristics I need to bin based on Sample quantiles.

Thank you


Hello @mauuuuu5,

don’t think this is done automatically as in Interactive Histogram Local node. However workaround using Bar Chart node with logic outlined in this topic will hopefully be good enough:

Additional action for you to take is to use Auto-Binner node to get your bins based on sample quantiles as desired. This column will then be Category column in Bar Chart node’s configuration. Take a look, give it a try and if you’ll need workflow example drop me a message.


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Hi Ivan thank you for your help, I managed to make a some kind of group chart not an histogram, but still I want to share the workflow

Thank you


Quantile Histogram.knwf (108.8 KB)


Hello @mauuuuu5,

great! You can also share/upload workflows to KNIME Hub if you think others might benefit from it as then there are easier to find and more accessible.


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