Conversion of multiple rows into duration bar diagram


BORIS outputs basically all events logged into one column, the Behavior column, and the nature of the data under Behavior category. It contains position data, posture classification, and interactions, either as point events, or state events with a duration value. For the beginning (and to learn hopefully the rest myself later), I’d like to group EAWS codes “Bent forward”, “Strongly bent forward”, “Upright shoulder”, and “Upright head” into one new value, lets call it “Negative Posture”. the value “Standing” would be “Positive Posture” and “Standing and walking” become “Neutral Posture” (This is based on the sample data provided below, which covers the first 10 minutes out of 5 hours). My goal here would be to showcase for every five minutes the distribution of good and bad postures (e.g. 30% neutral, 50% good, and 20% negative) in a bar chart. Similar to what Megan was looking for here: Display two data sets in histogram

Just with the difference, that all my data comes from the same column, hence I work with row filters. The workers would be for now handled individually, I ight put their graphs side by side for comparison. The Histogram node gave me already a nice overview for a single value, but that was also based on occurences, not total time.

Thank you very much for answering!

Chat01_Cleaned.xlsx (22.0 KB)