currently you can not read a CSV file directly from DBFS. You first need to download it locally and then read the downloaded file into KNIME. Please have a look at this workflow for a related example.
We are currently implementing a complete new file handling framework for KNIME which will allow you to read/write directly from/to various file systems including DBFS. However we do not have the corresponding Databricks connector as of today but it is planned for the winter release. So please stay tuned.
But i need to make the file downloadable to the user using FileDownloadWidget.
In that case is there any way to make the file downloadable to user from DBFS location?
And while trying to pass the path of the downloaded csv file, I am getting error. Is there any efficient way to make the file downloadable to the user from knime workspace location.
Hi mathi,
yes the new file handling framework is available in KNIME Analytics Platform 4.3. However if you want to provide the CSV file to the user via the File Download Widget you still need to download it first using the Transfer Files node and the Databricks File System Connector.
I will create a feature request to support direct loading of a file from a remote file system as well.
Dear @tobias.koetter ,
My situation is a little different from the one by @mathi : I have already downloaded all the desired DBF files to a specific folder in my local system, and I wish to read them as a loop.
I tried the following sequence of Knime nodes: Possible_Loop_for_reading_DBF_Files.knwf (19.3 KB)
Dear @Daniel_Weikert,
I’ve already passed the mouse over the node with the error message (the “File Reader” node), and got this:
When I tried several different settings (on the encodings, on the different options to be checked/unchecked, etc.), no change brought me the expected reading of the files (one by iteration along the loop).
Besides, I tried another workflow (suggested on the Knime.Hub), from:
@rogerius1st I fear that reviving old threads will not give you a different answer (see below). If we are still talking about the same files (DBC/DBF) KNIME simply does not have a node to just import them.
If we are talking about DBF files LibreOffice still does support the format. That would be importing individual files.
Please note. There seem to be several different formats with similar extensions but they are not the same. DBFS in this case is Databricks File System.