I’m am trying to write to a table in SQL Server Management Studio. I have set up the Microsoft SQL Server Connector, which seems to be working ok and I’ve set up my table ready to receive the data. However, I’m getting this error when I run the DB Insert:
Execute failed: Error while adding rows #-1000 - #0, reason: I/O Error: Connection reset
I’m also getting this error when I do anything (i.e. running nodes upstream):
Node configuration was aborted after 3 seconds. To change the timeout parameter ‘Retrieve in configure timeout’ go to the ‘Advanced’ tab of the database connector node.
I’ve changed the configuration but this doesn’t appear to make any difference. In fact everything seems to be running slower than usual.
Can someone help me interpret the DB Insert error message or point me in the right direction.
have you ever managed to read data from your database or write some data to it? To my knowledge (and with help from google) error means that something in the back-end (Microsoft SQL Server) decided to stop working due to unavailability of resources so don’t think changing timeout parameter should impact this.
What KNIME version are you using and which driver to connect to database?
Thank you for getting in touch. I’m using version 4.1.0 and the Microsoft SQL Server Connector. Here is a simplified version of my workbook I’m using for testing:
hmmm. Just to confirm can you select database table with DB Table Selector node in which you want to write your data into? If so you can try to select the “Disable DB Data output port” option in DB Insert node dialog which prevents execution of the metadata query which might cause problems for sme databases.
I can select a database table with the DB Table Selector, although I’ve had problems pulling the meta data through with the DB insert node. I have been writing the Schema and Table details in.
I’ve just started from scratch again and I now can’t configure the DB insert node, this error is appearing:
Thank you so much for taking the time to support me with this, I’m the only one in my company who uses KNIME and it makes a difference knowing I’ve got somewhere to turn to when I get stuck.
Whilst I was offsite yesterday I was able to do some further research and I’ve figured out the problem. My SQL database is an Azure SQL database. I’m sorry I didn’t mention this, I thought the Azure SQL database was basically the same as a regular SQL Server. I didn’t realise that it required a slightly different set up. Anyway, I followed the instructions linked below and have got it working:
Thanks again for your help - I really appreciate it.