Error Encountered While Executing Query (ORA-10173 - Dynamic Sampling Time-Out Error)

After migrating from Knime 4.xx to 5.3, I sometimes encounter the error: “ORA-10173 - Dynamic Sampling Time-Out Error” while executing any query.

I have tried to fix the issue with the following actions, but it hasn’t been resolved yet:

  • Since my database is Oracle, I tested other OJDBC drivers.
  • I checked other executed nodes, such as ‘DB Query Reader’ and ‘DB SQL Executor.’
  • I removed the parallel execution statement from my query because the IT department has limited parallel executions to 5 per user.
SELECT /*+ PARALLEL(your_table, 5) */ *
FROM your_table;
  • I marked the checkbox for ‘Restore Database Connection’ in the Oracle connector in the advanced tab.
    DB Connection Closer

This is my Workflow

Have you tried adjusting the time outs?

Note: The above might not be the actual setting to adjust. DB timeouts can be cause by too ambiguous requests. Try narrowing down your query.


@samantbl maybe put the connector outside the loop

Unfortunately, this setting does not solve the problem.

Hello @samantbl ,
did you already contact the Oracle support? The “ORA-10173 - Dynamic Sampling Time-Out Error” error seems to be a problem with the query optimizer. There is also a support document from Oracle about it but you need an Oracle support account to read it :frowning:
I’m afraid there is not much you can do on the KNIME site except wrapping the DB nodes that fail into a try catch nodes and re-execute it on error.


Dear @samantbl,

Regarding @tobias.koetter’s suggestion to re-execute the DB nodes on failure, here you can find an example how to do so:

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