I am using KNIME v4.7.3.v202305100921 install on a Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS System
since the last Update I get an error when I call Sub-Workflows in Batch-mode. In the Forum, some one posted that the problem is solved by using the “Mountpoint Connector”:
I tried this but it failed. Now the “Mountpoint Connector” raises the error. Other in the mentioned post I can not use a fixed local path, since my workflow is used on different machines.
When I execute the workflow within KNIME, everything works fine.
As a workaround I tried to use within the mountpoint connector a string-variable, which I hand over in batch-mode. If I execute the workflow in batch-mode, this value is used, otherwise (Execution within KNIME Frontend) the standard mountpoint connector (Current mountpoint; Set working directory to the current workflow checked) is used. This works fine, but I have to call Workflows from “Call Workflow (Row Based)” where I can only handover string values in JSON. So as a work around: is it possible to get the full path out of the “Mountpoint Connector” file system connection if I do not hand over the current mountpoint in batch modus (execute from within the KNIME-Frontend)?