Error installing Knime python integration for Knime 5.2.3

When I try to install the Knime python integration, the software installation stops with the error message: “Installing Software” has encountered a problem. An error occurred while installing the items.

The details of the error messages are:

An error occurred while installing the items

session context was:(profile=KNIMEProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Install, operand=null → [R] 5.2.1.v202401231642, action=org.knime.product.p2.actions.ShellExec).

ShellExec command exited non-zero exit value:

Same here… Any suggestion?

Same problem… reinstalled KNIME AP didn’t help


could you provide the log files for the failed installation as described here KNIME Python Integration Guide to better understand the issue?


Hey Steffen,

The python plugin does not show up in my metadata/.plugins folder:




@Zvereec1 please follow the link I sent: it does not point to the knime workspace, but to the knime installation itself

Right, my bad. The only python-related folder in “plugins” that contains a “bin” subfolder is:


It does not contain create_env.err or create_env.out, only bat files:



Hi Zegher @Zvereec1,

thanks :slight_smile:
That is indeed an unknown behaviour. And without these log files it is a bit hard to guess what the issue might be. Could you try out the things below to maybe pin it down a little more?

  1. See whether the KNIME Log contains further information around the installation process.
  2. Delete the folder\bin and try to install it once more.
  3. Maybe it is also a long path issue (this post could help in mitigating that risk)
  4. Could it be that you are behind a proxy (within a company network?)

Sorry for the inconveniences

Thank you for your suggestions, here are my findings:

  1. There is no mention about the installation process in the log. I uninstalled and installed knime again, and the log was even completely empty after trying to install the python extension again.
  2. I did that, but it did not help unfortunately.
  3. Long paths were enabled
  4. I am indeed using a VPN, but so is my colleague and he was able to install it without problems.

When deleting the folder in bullet point 2, I noticed that I still had a folder ‘Knime_4.6.3’ somewhere with some python related folders that I am unable to remove myself (not accessible because “The tag present in the reparse point buffer is invalid”).

I am going to ask our IT service to delete that folder, and I am hoping it interfered with the installation, else I do not know how to troubleshoot any further.

Dear @Zvereec1,

thanks for the thorough investigation. Irritating that nothing brought further insights. Did the folder deletion happen and eventually help?


The deletion process is still ongoing, I will report back when that has been done!

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The old folders has been deleted and I have reinstalled Knime, but am still getting the same error.

Thanks for confirming.

Is there something in the “Error Log”? The “ShellExec” p2 action uses that. Can only be accessed via the legacy UI (View → Error Log).

Best regards

Yes there is, apparently. This is what it says in the log:

!SESSION 2024-06-12 16:47:27.752 -----------------------------------------------



java.vendor=Eclipse Adoptium

BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86_64, WS=win32, NL=en_US

Command-line arguments: -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86_64

!ENTRY org.knime.product 1 0 2024-06-12 16:56:36.701

!MESSAGE ShellExec command: C:\Users\Zvereec1\AppData\Local\Programs\KNIME\plugins\ “C:\Users\Zvereec1\AppData\Local\Programs\KNIME\plugins\\pkgs”

!ENTRY org.knime.product 1 0 2024-06-12 16:56:36.705

!MESSAGE ShellExec directory : C:\Users\Zvereec1\AppData\Local\Programs\KNIME\plugins\

!ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine 4 4 2024-06-12 16:56:38.968

!MESSAGE An error occurred while installing the items

!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine 4 0 2024-06-12 16:56:38.968

!MESSAGE session context was:(profile=KNIMEProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Install, operand=null → [R] 5.2.1.v202401231642, action=org.knime.product.p2.actions.ShellExec).

!SUBENTRY 1 org.knime.product 4 0 2024-06-12 16:56:38.968

!MESSAGE ShellExec command exited non-zero exit value:

Turned out to be a VPN issue after all!


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