Excel Reader - Transformation -Removing Columns Multiple Sheets

@mb7846 I think we would first have to establish what you and and cannot do with generic Excel functions in KNIME right now

  • you can load almost all Excel sheets in various settings (all sheets from one file at once if they have the same structure), loop thru a lot of Excel files, read all sheet names to make decisions about them and so on. So you can import all kinds of dats from Excel
  • then you can EXPORT data either by writing a new file or replacing a single sheet (which will be a plain data sheet without any formats)
  • recently the Excel Cell updater cam along and now you can place data at a certain position in your sheet

All this would concern data in and out and would not do anything to any advanced excel functions or features. In addition to this you have these options

  • use the Continental nodes to format your Excel sheets (Continental Nodes for KNIME — XLS Formatter Nodes | KNIME)
  • use external tools like openPyxl and Python to actually manipulate additional Excel functions, like adding named table spaces, insert formulas, ‘operate’ on your sheets (renaming etc. other than deleting and writing them), insert drop-down lists and filters

I think you would have to tell us more about what you actually want to do. Best would be if you could upload a file representing your challenge with the original file and desired outcome. That would make it easier to create a working example.

I have a larger collection about Excel and KNIME you might want to explore: