@TheLeo there are some things to check when converting data with date and time variables between KNIME and Python (and Parquet). It should be possible to come up with a setting that should work for all your data variants. I might take a look at your example.
@toscanomatheus this might be an interesting case. I will have to have a closer look at your specific file.
I startet to look into the question pof the Python Labs nodes and Date and Time variables (again) and indeed there seems to be a problem with the handling of types. In a previous discussion I toyed around with several formats and then exported the data thru Parquet files and brought the data back to KNIME which worked (mostly):
This time I tried two things with string formats exported …
@pt2501 I see several points.
One is that there seems to be a problem with the date and time conversion. The Python Labs node is struggling with that somewhat (Error with pandas in the Labs Python Integration - #9 by mlauber71 ). I imported the table first as PyArrow file and then converted specifically the Date columns to a pandas date time variable. It seems to work
table = knio.input_tables[0].to_pyarrow()
df = table.to_pandas(date_as_object=False)
df['Creation date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['…
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