Export of Workflow yields files with knwf extension that cannot be opened

I have installed KNIME (v5.2.1) on my new computer. Now I want to export my workflows from the backup site to my local disk. The export produces files with the extension .knwf but those cannot be opened. I presume something with my settings is wrong. Did anybody encounter the same problem (and knows how to solve it)?
Your support is much appreciated.

Here is how I export.

and here is what I get:

The file ‘OldPackWeight.knwf’ has the expected extension. However, it does not have the KNIME icon and it does not open in KNIME.


@63Ajoha welcome to the KNIME forum. You would not double click to open the file but rather import it from within KNIME.


Hi MLauber - your quick response is highly appreciated. Alerting me to this info in the QuickStart Guide helped. Simple copying of the workflows (as describe in the guide) solves my problem. Thanks again.



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