Help with the Extensions

Hello, I am trying to install Extensions in my work Mac. But this is the error I got:

Some sites could not be found. See the error log for more detail.

Unable to read repository at

PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

Unable to read repository at

PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

Unable to read repository at

PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

Unable to read repository at

PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

Any idea ? I think it could be something to related to proxies, but no idea on how solving it. Thanks a lot!!

Hi @Igortxu

you are exactly right, this is most likely a proxy wanting to inspect the SSL (https) traffic.
Here is a video that explains the issue in detail: Resolving Common KNIME Certificates Problems - YouTube

For a quick and dirty fix you can probably change the update sites to use unencrypted traffic (http):
Help → Install New Software… → Manage…
There, double-click the active URLs and change them from https to http.

Kind regards


Hello future reader :slight_smile:

I’d like to add one more option to the ones above when facing “PKIX path building failed” issues. Again, these issues are often caused by a company proxy intercepting SSL certificates in order to monitor encrypted traffic.

Possibly, the proxy’s certificate has already been preconfigured in Windows by your IT. In that case you can simply instruct KNIME to use the Windows trust store. To do so, add these two lines at the end of the knime.ini file which is located in the KNIME installation folder (likely in Program Files).

(If you’re using macOS, please replace WINDOWS-ROOT with KeychainStore)

Afterwards, you’ll need to restart KNIME.

Kind regards


Resolved it .Thank You Guys !

This was helpful thanks. However I am experiencing a new issue which I expect to be similar. The configuration user interfaces for new “modern interface” nodes do not load on the cooperate network (unless they have already been loaded this session whilst disconnected from the coorperate network). For example the Line Plot node, or the Table view node. The above fix with the .ini file didn’t fix it. Is there a way to fix this?