Dear friends,
I need to change the font, size and color in knime, and also change the number to thousand format as below?
How to achieve this result in knime?
August 29, 2023, 8:33am
Hello @uix07344 ,
you can format existing Excel file using Continental extension:
You can find workflow examples on above link as well.
August 29, 2023, 2:34pm
Within KNIME you could also try the new Number Format Manager node. (It’s so new I can’t remember the name of it sometimes )
Also, again within KNIME, you can edit CSS to change how things appear in a table view. This workflow provides an example:
Hello ScottF, I add one excel writer in the example workflow, but there is no color inside. My Knime version is 4.7
August 30, 2023, 7:43am
Hi @uix07344 , looking at the continental nodes, that @ipazin mentioned, they can appear a little overwhelming, but you may find the following posts of interest:
I hadn’t really got into using the Continental XLS Formatting nodes for my own work until about a week ago. They are a great extension to KNIME, but I just had not really had a need to format my output spreadsheets.
I’d tried to assist on the odd forum thread but never felt I could just go format a spreadsheet “on demand” without having to go back and re-read the tutorials or examples to remind myself how it worked. Even when I might have wanted to, I put it in the “too-hard” basket and decided…
Hi @Nazaire ,
The Contintental Nodes are great but there is an initial learning curve which I agree with you makes them appear “overkill” when all you want is to format the headings.
This is exactly where I found myself, and so I created the following component, to take away the complexity in handling the simple use case.
How about this for a “simple” workflow:
There is practically zero configuration here other than specifying the Sheet Name on the “Auto Tag Generator” and the shee…
The widely used alternative to using the Continental Nodes is the Write to Excel Template
, node which I’ve not used myself (but keep meaning to try when I have the need)… but I know somebody who has… @iCFO
I work heavily between KNIME and Excel and I find this node to be infinitely easier if you are proficient on the Excel side.
The Continental nodes are fine if you just want a few simple formatting rules applied to clean up a table, but if you really want to dial in a nice presentation it will cost you hours. I can do the same thing with the write to a template approach in a few minutes as well as include conditional formatting, user interaction settings, graphs, etc. You can also writ…
And I should also mention the OpenPyxl route as another option:
@Nazaire I built a slightly different example of the use of OpenPyxl with some configuration. It would determine the number of columns and then set a pre-defined style, auto-size the columns and freeze the top row.
The same principles could be applied to other formats. So if you like coding you could do it with OpenPyxl
kn_example_python_excel_format_header.knwf (130.1 KB)
August 30, 2023, 8:24pm
Just to be clear, the two examples I gave were for displaying table information within KNIME views . If your ultimate goal is to write back out to Excel again, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the Continental extension mentioned by ipazin and takbb.
Write to Excel Template Node.
Thank you! It is easy to handle with this note.
September 11, 2023, 7:20am
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