How to export workflow(s) in Knime 5?

How to export a workflow in Knime 5, as it does not have file menu.

Interesting question. I was not able to spot it either only importing wfs. But “worst case” quickly change to “older” interface and do it there and switch back to version 5. (We need to keep in mind it is a preview and in development just in case it really is not available so far)


@Daniel_Weikert has the right answer. This isn’t currently possible in the KNIME Version 5 Early Access, so you need to open the workflow in AP 4.7 to export it.

Never fear, this should be resolved in the next release :slight_smile:


Thanks. Is there any forum where Knime 5 UI is being discussed?

Sure! :slight_smile: The best place to provide feedback is this thread:

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I hope you keep the ability to switch between both versions so easily as a feature in version 5.

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