How to find the workflows using a specific component template?

Hi everybody,

I’m a regular KNIME user and I’ve been wondering - is there a way to track where specific component templates are used across different workflows? If there is, and I’ve missed it, I’d appreciate your guidance!

If not, I think adding this feature, especially for local workflows, would be a great help. It would simplify access to specific workflows

Thanks for your time and all the work you do on KNIME!



Hi @gcincilla,

I tested with a quick workflow to identify the component used across all the workflow. In my example, the name of component is “DB Credentials”. When I use that component, a folder is created in the workflow with the name “DB Credentia (# and a number)”. I don’t know why full name is not appearing, but it is not my concern at this point of time. The full workflow will look like this.


String configuration’s configuration is as below.

String Manipulation configuration is as below.

Just give the main workspace folder as the input to the list files/folders node. Convert path to string. Then filter out metadata with the rule-based row filter. Then I filtered the rows for the node_input using the row filter as below.

Using the Files/Folders Meta Info, I get the details of the folders which looks as shown below.

Finally, I filtered out any node that is of size 0 to get the actual component. The final output looks as below.

Hope this helps.



Hi @gcincilla you might also find the following thread of interest


Hi @takbb,

Thanks a lot for sharing the link. I never knew that something like this is available. I am very happy to use the component shared by you.


You’re welcome @kamtaot . It look’s like you were thinking along similar lines with your workflow… Great minds think alike! :grin:

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Thank you both @kamtaot and @takbb! I’ve appreciate your help.
With the 2 takbb’s component I could find the workflows I was looking for.
Anyway, it would be nice to have a similar function integrated in the KNIME AP. It would make it much easier to find workflows!


@gcincilla, happy to know that the Recent Workflows component helped you to achieve your goal.

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