How to fix the language in File Reader Node?

Hi all,
I am facing an issue while reading a Text Document having a mix of languages - Like English and Arabic. The File Reader node is unable to read the Arabic language as the output is rendered it as special characters. How can this be fixed? Please advice.

Thanks in advance.

Hey there,

Likely an issue with the encoding selected by File Reader Node.

In configure dialogue can you go to Encoding and see what setting you have?

If you have english and arabic characters I think selecting UTF-8 may solve your issue…

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Hey @gokulpnair,

Have you tried Tika Parser node. It would solve your problem

If you insist on using File Reader Node, you can reference below example



Thanks @MartinDDDD & @yogesh_nawale for the inputs. As suggested by @MartinDDDD tried with UTF-8 and the language rendering worked fine. Thanks

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