I just encountered this today while updating pandas to 0.24.0 using conda update --all
After the update, python nodes fail to load python when opening the configure window.
After checking the release notes, it seems like pandas.tslib is being called before configuration, which is removed in the 0.24.0 version.
Reverting to pandas 0.23.4 fixes this and python nodes can load and be configured again.
thanks for reporting that problem. The currently supported version of pandas for the KNIME Python integration is 0.23. Hence, newer versions of pandas may lead to problems. You can find a complete list of the supported versions for the python package dependencies here.
In addition to what David has said, we will make sure to gradually support newer versions of pandas (and generally any package that is required by KNIME Python Integration) in future releases of KNIME Analytics Platform. Again, thanks for reporting! We added pandas to the list of packages that need such updated support.
Awesome! I’m getting the hang of using KNIME recently (just started using it months ago and it’s already my go-to for data analysis). KNIME’s modular approach provides an understandable framework of analysis and saves me from writing super long python code by cascading it through nodes or KNIME’s built-in analysis nodes.
[1] Open file: C:\Program Files\KNIME\plugins\org.knime.python2_3.7.1.v201901281201\py\jaydebeapi.py
[2] Find line where: from pandas.tslib import Timestamp
[3] Change to: from pandas._libs.tslib import Timestamp