Loop execution progress

It would be nice to have a loop execution progress indicator when a loop is being executed.
When I use Group Loop Start, the number of groups should be known (right?). In the Loop End node this is Iterations, if I am correct. Would be really nice to have an indicator saying how many of the intended iterations have been processed when executing, so I don’t have to zombie-gaze at the screen until it is suddenly finished. :slight_smile: #WalkToTheCoffeeMachine

Hello @mldendulk,

you can check current and max iteration variables in Node Monitor:

But proper loop progress indicator for sure would be useful:



Good evening,

while writing on a blog post I happen to have found this feature request. You might want to leverage the example workflow I created to track loop execution in detail.


PS: There is also another similar feature request. You might draw some ideas from that and my example so we can consolidate all and draw attention of the developers to this request :wink:
