Multiple Workflows

Dear sir

I would like to call (get) the output from another workflow within my local workspace. May I have your advice? Is there any illustration?


I have created a simple example where you create a table in a parent workflow and then call a sub workflow and read the results back. It is derived from a workflow I use for other purposes (it originated on the KNIME examples server knime://EXAMPLES/50_Applications/08_RESTDemo/01_Call_Local_Workflow)

I am not 100% comfortable with all these JSON files and calls but it should work and you can exchange control informations. You might also use the JSON stuff to ‘communicate’ between the workflows, but you might just as well just store what you need.

The loop is there to include more than one sub-workflow. In the end a ‘report’ of the performance and duration is saved.

One note: you have to save the sub-workflow in a Reset state. As of now I have not found a way to reset the sub-workflow on execution (as it is possible on the KNIME server). So if your sub-workflow is saved already executed your main workflow will not give you a warning but will just take whatever result is stored there. This might lead to unwanted results. So be aware.

You might adapt that to your needs.

kn_example_call_workflow.knar (130.8 KB)

