Node Development - Node Background

Hello KNIMErs,

is there any way to change to background color of my nodes that are in development?

In the picture below you can see that my nodes have a “brown” background but other nodes like “Post Request” are “yellow”.


Is it a preset by KNIME and/or do colors indicate something?


Hello @ricciV1,

here is nice node color meaning summary topic:

As of changing background color (icon) this is possible but can’t say for sure what configuration option does it. Maybe node type and/or icon path. This part of documentation might help (until someone who knows this stuff jumps in):



A very useful way to understand the coloring and what it means is to create a component and go into edit mode. At the bottom is a drop down that allows you to change the component type and it shows the list of Types and Colors…

As @ipazin already pointed out you can change the type and therefore the color in the @node decorator via node_type:

@knext.node(name="My Node", node_type=knext.NodeType.MANIPULATOR, icon_path="..icons/icon.png", category="/")

Full excerpt of allowed values from the docs:

node_type: the type of the node, one of:

knext.NodeType.MANIPULATOR: a node that manipulates data.

knext.NodeType.LEARNER: a node learning a model that is typically consumed by a PREDICTOR.

knext.NodeType.PREDICTOR: a node that predicts something typically using a model provided by a LEARNER.

knext.NodeType.SOURCE: a node producing data.

knext.NodeType.SINK: a node consuming data.

knext.NodeType.VISUALIZER: a node that visualizes data.

knext.NodeType.OTHER: a node that doesn’t fit any of the other node types.

Dear @ricciV1,

if you would like, we would be more than happy to publish your extension on KNIME Community Hub.

Best regards