Nodes execution order

Hi there,

I want my workflow to write several excel files (Excel Writer) and append some sheets (Excel Sheet Appender) in those. Therefore it is important for me to have the right order of execution.

How can I set that it will

  1. Write an Excel
  2. Append a sheet in the Excel from 1
  3. Append another Sheet in Excel from 1
  4. Write another Excel
  5. Append a sheet in Excel from 4

If my previous nodes for 2 are faster then 1, then KNIME will append a sheet in a existing file from the last run. Somebody an idea?

Thank you very much in advance

Hi @verknuepfer, welcome to the forum.

Have you tried using a Wait node?

One small trick for cases like this is to use red flow variable branches to force particular nodes to finish, before other nodes will begin execution.

Hi @verknuepfer,

check this guide about flow variables (connections) and flow control in general:

If you’ll still have questions feel free to ask and if necessary I can make workflow example :wink:

Welcome to KNIME Community!


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I did not :slight_smile: But that’s it - thanks a lot!

Hi @verknuepfer,

to ensure a right order of execution one should use flow variable connections. Not sure about your workflow design but can see Wait… node alone not being sufficient in this case.


Hi @ipazin
Well, actually a example would be great as my waiting-node is running but not getting to an end, so the Sheet Appender is not getting started.

Hvala puno

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Hi @verknuepfer,

if your intention is to run right Excel appender from picture after the left one simply connect two of them with flow variable connection. Something like this:

It will ensure that Node 34 is executed after Node 32 is executed. If you have a more complex workflow design are you using loop for writing data into multiple Excel files? If this still doesn’t help can try explaining it a bit more?


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