I want to check whether the Parallel Chunk Start / End nodes are still classified as Labs projects under development? I need to know if these are production ready.
I noticed they don’t have (Labs) written after the node names, but they are placed within the KNIME Labs folder. Any clarification here would be greatly appreciated.
So yes, the Parallel Chunk Start/End are still part of the Labs extension. In general, I do recommend caution when using Labs nodes in production. However, the virtual nodes are widely used by many of our customers and the KNIME community. We still keep them in labs, as we want to make more improvements to the nodes. I currently do not have a timeline for publishing them out of labs, but will bring this up with our development team to prioritize this higher.
Thanks also for bringing this up with your development team. It would be great to see these tools graduate out of Labs to provide peace of mind that everything is working in line with expectation!