i have updated our company remote machine last wednesday to the new KNIME 4.4.0. After that Update i have noticed, that my workflows aren´t as fast as they were before the update.
especially i have noticed my problem at the Math-Formula Node.
I usually run a workflowdaily with over 420k cusotmer datas with a lots of calculations. On the KNIME 4.3 it has runned nearly 4 hours while on the new version it currently runs for 6 hours so far and my outports aren´t written yet.
don’t think there were any changes to Math Formula node. As mentioned in linked topic are your preferences including memory settings same? If you are sure everything is exactly the same can you simulate your workflow with dummy data (assuming customer data is confidential) and share it? Smaller amount of data is sufficient and even part of workflow including math operations will do it.
after lots of tries, i downgraded my KNIME to the older version 4.3.3 and tested my workflow.
It is running as fast it is was running before the update to 4.4.
So for me there has to be something with the nodes, which makes my workflows run slower. I have noticed especially that in the Math-Formula and the Rule-Engine Node.
I hope it is probably a “bug” or something like that and KNIME have shortly a solution for this issue.
Thank you for reporting this. We are investigating this issue, as far as we can tell at the moment, the performance problems only seem to occur on Windows.
We will let you know once we know more.
I got very good news for you, we figured out the source of this problem: the jvm is running in client instead of server mode on Windows installations, which leads to the degraded performance.
We will ship a fix for this issue soon, but you can fix this issue yourself already today by editing the knime.ini.
To restore the performance on 4.4 you need to append server/jvm.dll to the vm definition in the knime.ini file: