Prediction Based on multi Variables

Hi All,

Im wondering if someone can help me, im trying to build a revenue prediction model based on marketing spend, daily users and daily number of people who actually make purchase. so basically i would like to predict my future daily users and people who will make purchase and also if i increase my marketing spend i can get more users.

i hope this make some sense i can provide the data in excel file ?

Hi @esabzi

this sounds like a really interesting use case. You can find a lot of example on the KNIME Hub for learning how to solve this in KNIME.
I can also highly recommend our free e-learning course.

Hi, can you please send me the link for the example you think will help me? i know how to use knime but i dont know how to predict if i want to have manual way to adjust the numbers.

These discussions might give you further insights and also contain links to some workflows. Maybe the Rossmann Kaggle case comes quite close to your question. Prediction of future sales are always a challenge since you will have to put into data the drivers that would influence your future sales like holidays and moving holidays (like easter), marketing campaigns and so on.


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