Python Integration Extension

I was able to install this Python Extension very easily when I was one version 5.3.2. However, I had to downgrade to 5.3.1 so it can be compatible with our company’s Data Hub. Now I seem to be stuck in a loop where I can’t install the extension again using the OOTB installation package for the 5.3.1 version. I keep getting this error and short of wiping and reinstalling the software I am not sure what to do.

Thanks for any suggestions as I need this to use a custom component from the Community.

An error occurred while installing the items
session context was:(profile=KNIMEProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Install, operand=null → [R] 5.3.0.v202401241043, action=org.knime.product.p2.actions.ShellExec).
An exception occurred while executing the ShellExec command.
WaitForMultipleObjects error=6, The handle is invalid

Hi @aehrenworth , I don’t know the answer to your problem, but can you confirm whether KNIME “thinks” the python integration is already installed.

If you open Help, and then click Installation Details (1) does it show KNIME Python Integration in the list of installed software (2)

(Screenshot below of KNIME 5.3.2, but it should be similar for 5.3.1)

If it is there, can you uninstall it (3) and then try installing again?

One other thing… your pc does still have full internet access doesn’t it? Is there any chance that some websites are being blocked by a firewall which maybe wasn’t blocked when you previously installed ok? I see that there is mention of this causing problems with python integration installation


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I checked, and I do NOT see it installed at all. This was as fresh install of the overall platform do downgrade to 5.3.1 so I need to reinstall all of the extensions.

I am wondering if something go corrupted and I just need to wipe it and start over and try again? The difference between my last install and this one is that it was pulled from our Company Portal (instead of from the KNIME website).

Any additional suggestions would be great (even if a fresh install is the only option).

As a follow, uninstalling and reinstalling KNIME did not allow me to install the Python Integration extension… getting the same error. I am stuck.

Hi - I just had the comapmy install the 5.3.1 and had the same issue, I had to download the .zip archive files to get access to the different nodes as our internet is blocked

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Did you download the 5.3.2 zip file, or is there one specific for 5.3.1?

I used the lates 5.3.2 zips. That seemed to work also on the 5.3.1

I was able to downgrade to 5.3.1 and then install the proper Python Integration Extension. However, now I am getting this error:

The only time this worked for me was when I cleanly installed the 5.3.2 version from KNIME and now I am stuck with something configuration wise I think that is causing these various errors.

I have tried to uninstall, and reinstall multiple times. Now, the tool has has automatically upgraded itself to 5.3.3. For now, I need to keep 5.3.1 because that is our version of the Business Hub.

Is this a known bug of some kind?

Also, I have Python 3.11 installed successfully.

To clarify, I have also successfully installed Python 2. But we are locked down to install Conda.

getting frustrated if I am just missing something simple.

Hi @aehrenworth , if you are getting the “Could not connect to the python process” error… and installing python manually, try the steps listed here. Hope it might help…

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