I strongly recommend the nodes below be restored. Most of their replacements have no provision for normal input which make them much more difficult to use in simple workflows.
Can you make an example what is no longer or only more complicated working?
One issue might be that not all older nodes have already been updated to support the new data types e.g. type path, which sometimes costs some time to get things working again. But I am sure you guys are already working on this.
Thanks and bR
See post 4 in my Copy/Move Files Node post. It has my original workflow. Its much simpler than using the new nodes.
I think that we should have the option of continuing to use the deprecated nodes - especially ones like File Meta Info, whose replacement is less useful (has less information output). With the new node, if I want the filename (not the path) I’m going to have to convert the path to a string, then (probably) come up with some regex split to get the filenames and file extensions.
I really wish that new replacement nodes would maintain backwards compatibility.
We are sorry about the inconveniences you’ve had from the deprecation of the old file handling utility nodes since KNIME 4.3.0.
You were right that some features like the one you’re reporting are not supported yet or require inconvenient workarounds. We have therefore decided that as of 4.3.1 (which is going to be released within in the next couple of days) we will re-introduce all the deprecated file utility nodes as legacy nodes. They will be located under IO/Filehandling (legacy). That will mean that you’ll get full access to the old nodes and won’t be forced to use the new utility nodes.
We hope this is helpful. We are busy working on integrating the current lacking functionality into the new utility nodes, so that this legacy mix will be kept as short as possible.
Thanks a lot for all your valuable feedback which helps us to make KNIME better. If you have more question around this topic please let us know in the forum.
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