Knime Quits Unexpectedly when running from Eclipse Mac OS X Catalina

Hi all,

thank you for your feedback, this is very appreaciated! Let me especially give @thomas_r’s recommendation a try during the weekend!

Is there a specific reason that is preventing you from targeting 4.2+ versions of AP?

We are currently committed to still ensure 4.1-compatibility of the nodes we provide b/c customers still tend to use these older versions. Our download statistics back this experience – there’s even still a significant pre-4.1 share in the download stats.

Anecdotally, from my own user’s perspective: I have become ruluctant to switch to newer versions due to several frustrating issues encountered recently (some obviously being specifically Mac-related, some more general).

I can still check if 4.2 or 4.3 solve these issues once I have plenty of time. I’ll be happy to provide feedback here and keep this thread up-to-date. If this is resolved on 4.2+: Great!

– Philipp