Running knime workflow on linux terminal

We would like to run knime analytics platform via the terminal (without using GUI) in the linux system. Currently, we have data available in excel/csv and we also have the ready made workflow available. We intend to run the workflow on the data that we have on the system. we found the following command to run:
“knime -nosplash -application org.knime.product.KNIME_BATCH_APPLICATION -workflowDir=“workspace/Knime_project””
We are wondering how can we use our data in this workflow through the command line interface. Please help us to find the possible solution. Thanks in advance!

Hi @baharehdm , you would still need to build your workflow, and the data should be handled within the workflow (db connection, data processing, etc).

You can then call the workflow via the command line, provided that Knime is installed on the linux system and the workflow is accessible by the system.

You can even set up a cronjob to run the workflow via command line if you need to schedule the workflow to run by itself.

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