This thread is for posting solutions to “Just KNIME It!” Challenge 32. Having a clear table structure is important… that’s why we’re cleaning up our Excel sheets this week!
My Take on the Challenge 32- Split is straight forward by chunk …Tried to take group loop instead and column append end … Missed the 3 dots divider though.
As always on Tuesdays, here’s the solution for last week’s #justknimeit challenge! We hope you like our use of the Loop nodes as a way of grouping and concatenating rows more easily!
So far so good the solution is simple. But how can I implement the solution without deleting the Excel formatting? Let’s imagine I have a huge Excel file with complex formatting. Then a single KNIME node shatters my whole Excel formatting, which is very annoying. Therefore the question, how can I find a solution without destroying the Excel formatting? After all, the template Excel file already had formatting, which is now gone. I am looking forward to a “simple” and “workable” solution without the Excel formatting nodes. Thanks