This thread is for posting solutions to “Just KNIME It!” Challenge 7. Feel free to link your solution from KNIME Hub as well!
My submission on Challenge 7 Women in government …As the values are in % Sunburst or Pie Chart Not used.
Hello this is my solution
In the continent the most efficient thing was looking for a database on the internet, I use selenium nodes.
here’s my solution KNIME_challenge_7 – KNIME Hub
Here’s my solution
My curation approach was to replace missing value with simple average from neighboring countries and countries with no neighbors (with values) I took the continent average.
Found a very cool open source API,
Really cool REST API!
This is kind of my vibe in general too! haha
Hi everyone !
Here is my solution to this challenge. I’ve used the regions and countries dataset provided by the UN - Statistics Division, in order to enrich the original dataset, so I can calculate the Avg of seats by Intermediate region. This would give us a more reasonable share avg for the countries with missing values.
Hi everyone,
Here is my solution:
I used UN continent data from: UNSD — Methodology
For visualization:
- choronopleth from knime hub (sadly not much customization)
- Bar chart for average share grouped by continents
- 2 table views that shows top and bottom 5 HDI rank selected from list (grouped by continents)
Hello KNIMErs,
Here is my solution to #justknimeit-7 :
KNIME Hub > gonhaddock > Spaces > Just_KNIME_It > Just KNIME It _ Challenge 007
Task (1) - in this opportunity as I’m not used to work with JSON files, and aiming to learn further; I’ve decided to retrieve the latest data from UN ‘’ statistical Server. Now I know how to query it in both R and Knime .
Task (2) - I just downloaded from the web a copy for the ISO 3166 COUNTRY CODES, that already addresses Region and Sub-Region, ISO codes…
Task (3) - I’ve mixed up interactive charts with R histograms and maps, these latest unfortunately aren’t interactive at the moment.
PS.- Does someone knows how to custom / color component nodes?
Hello crazy KNIMErs
Interesting challenge especially to know how to deal with missing values.
I’ve also fallen in love with the Choropleth World Map node
Here my solution👇
Choropleth is sooo gooood!
Yeah! Very easy to use.
Definitely, I love it
And as always on Tuesdays, here’s our solution to #justknimeit challenge 7:
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