Tableau Hyper, send to tableau server


First of all, thank you very much for adding the hyper integration directly into KNIME 3.7. However, I am having som difficulty getting the " Send to Tableau Server (Hyper) Node" to work. I have followed the guide on this page, KNIME Tableau Integration User Guide and can now configure the node. I fill in the URL, username, password and site content url.

When clicking the “Browse” button, it gives the following error.

WARN Send to Tableau Server (Hyper) 0:54 SSLHandshakeException invoking PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

I can connect to the server using the tblcmd command line tool which is working well.

When trying the hyper file writer (Tableau Writer (Hyper)), it is also failing with

ERROR Tableau Writer (Hyper) 0:2 Execute failed: Unable to initialize Tableau backend ‘Tableau Hyper’, please follow the installation instructions in the node description. Error: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library ‘TableauHyperExtract’: The specified module could not be found.

ERROR Tableau Writer (Hyper) 0:2 Execute failed: Unable to initialize Tableau backend ‘Tableau Hyper’, please follow the installation instructions in the node description. Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.tableausoftware.hyperextract.ExtractAPI

I have completed the following steps in the installation:

  • Installed the four tableau packages
  • Set the knime tableau preference to hyper format
  • Reinstalled the 2013 C++ package (was already installed)
  • Added the hyper plugin bin folder (copied from preference) to both the system and user PATH
  • Restartet both KNIME and windows (multiple times)
  • Uninstalled and Re-installed KNIME

Anyone with a good suggestion? It has been driving me a bit crazy for the past few days :slight_smile:

One update. By manually copying all the content of the tableau bin plugin folder to the JRE plugin I got the “Tableau Writer (Hyper)” node to work. It was a bit of a hack, but it worked never the less

The “Send to server” node is still giving the same auth error

Hi @mmcmcmc,

I think this step went wrong, when you switch from TDE to Hyper, the displayed path only changes after a restart of the KNIME Analytics Platform. So if you added the one displayed before, it points to the TDE installation and that is why it would not work. Additionally, you need to restart KNIME Analytics Platform after changing the path variable so that it catches up on the changes.

Regarding the problem with the server connection, it is caused by a certificate unknown to the JVM. The following StackOverflow post should tell you how to install the certificate:



Hi, thanks for the input.

Installed the certificate (and the CA cert) from our tableau server but without any improvements. I used the JRE version in the KNIME install folder. I also tried disabling the other java versions in the java control panel without any impact

An update from my side after a christmas break. I got it to work after a few iterations:

  1. The old path for the Tableau API that was used in KNIME 3.6 was still in my PATH variable. Removing this, helped on the old TDE version.
  2. Certificates were imported using the following steps and commands(in the windows command prompt)
  • Open the server webpage in google chrome and export the certificates to files
  • Open the command prompt and change path the the KNIME JRE and bin folder
    C:\Program Files\KNIME\plugins\org.knime.binary.jre.win32.x86_64_1.8.0.152-01\jre\bin
  • Run command for each certificate file (default password is changeit):
    keytool -import -alias myprivateroot -keystore …\lib\security\cacerts -file c:\temp\TableauServer.cer

Great news! I am happy it is working now for you, thank you for reporting back :slight_smile:

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