the extension"Geospatial Analytics Extension for KNIME"could not be installed,After KNIME was upgraded to 5.3.0

the extension"Geospatial Analytics Extension for KNIME"could not be installed,After KNIME was upgraded to 5.3.0

Operating system: Windows 10 Enterprise Edition
SW Platfrom info: KNIME 5.3.0

The Error info:

An error occurred while installing the items
session context was:(profile=KNIMEProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Install, operand=null → [R]sdl.harvard.features.geospatial.feature.jar, action=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.touchpoint.eclipse.actions.InstallFeatureAction).
The artifact file for org.eclipse.update.feature,sdl.harvard.features.geospatial, was not found.

Hi @zhaohe

This has been reported before. Have a look here:

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@zhaohe This is due to a change in version. You can uninstall the existing one and replace it with the most recent version. This problem occurred with me about a month ago, but it is now working properly.

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do you mean roll back Knime to old version(such as 5.2)?

No, you have to redownload it again from the website.

thanks for your time。
i installed 5.1.0 again,unfortunately the extension cannot download 。

nothing changed。
is there any more suggestion?

@zhaohe install the latest version, 5.3.0.

i have installed the latest version,5.3.1。The problem still exists.

Hi @zhaohe,

could you maybe send us the log files as described here to help you with that issue?

Best regards

.bak_0.log (1006.4 KB)
here is the log

Hi @zhaohe,

is this file really concatenated of the two files I requested in my previous message?

At its end its says:

Transaction starting
critical libmamba Download error (7) Couldn’t connect to server []
Failed to connect to port 443 after 2 ms: Couldn’t connect to server
Installation of the Python extension failed. See the previous output and the files “C:\workpath\commonsoftware\KNIME\plugins\\bin\create_env.out” and “C:\workpath\commonsoftware\KNIME\plugins\\bin\create_env.err” for details.
If the current system has no or only restricted internet access a special setup for an offline installation is required. See Create a New Python based KNIME Extension.

So it still seems like there are the other two files (their location is shown in the above quote) - it also says that you might need to have a closer look at the “offline installation” part of the documentation.

Did you follow that docu?

The error in the quote also indicates that you cannot connect to the anaconda server. Could this be a proxy issue on your end? If so, then please also check the “offline installation” part of the documentation (see quote).

Does that help?


problem resolved when the plateform updated to 5.4.0。
thx all

It would have been helpful for further improvement, if you would have shared the files I mentioned in the above post.

In 5.4 it works because we currently ship the entire Python environment.

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