While testing a few things Knime and my entire system crashed. After careful investigation I decided to start Knime again and try to continue with the task.
It seems that the table view node, regardless what data I provide it, is not configurable always showing a white window.
Here is the most recent workflow in question. I made it and my system fail by executing the component “Concat with itself …”, awaiting the console to finish generataing the temp data like “knime_container_20240627_657823122681702107.tmp” and then inspecting the results … which never happened.
so far I did not dare to try as I have to recover a little bit and catch up to some tasks after the community hacking days. But certainly, upon 5.3 is released today and NodePit / Selenium caught up too, I will put 5.3 to its paces
The regression is so serious that it cannot be aborted even by selecting another node which already had a preview generated and has significantly fewer rows.
PS: Here is a recording showing that upon trying to establish a connection, the preview which is still generated, makes the UI unresponsive and causing my fans to “whooosh”.
This is quite a serious issue because the data preview generation now ran for about an hour, inflating my electricity bill, and leading to a heap space error