I am stuck at converting strings into documents files to further preprocess my data. I am parsing pdf files using Tika parser node and after successfully parsing the file, I tried to convert the ‘content’ row (String) into document using Strings to Document Node.
I get the Serialization error as follows:
WARN String to Document 4:5 Serialization error : Document could not be serialized !
I tried various references from the related topics such as :
Unfortunately, none of the solutions seems to be working for me.
I would greatly appreciate your help.
The error message could point to an empty cell. One idea could be to filter rows that would have no data.
But still it is difficult to tell from a screenshot. The best thing would be if you could upload an example that demonstrates this very error so one could investigate (without spilling any secrets of course).
OK in this special case the problem ist that you try to extract a title from the Content column and that does fail. If you do not have a title you could leave that empty