Update Extensions for KNIME Analytics Platform 5.4 - Changes

Dear Community Developers:

The official release for KNIME Analytics Platform 5.4 is planned for December 6th 2024.

Assuming that your extension is working with KNIME Analytics Platform 5.3, there is not much to do except:

However, some API changes from 5.3 to 5.4 might be interesting to you (adjusted from this preview post):

  1. If used, org.apache.commons.commons-io needs to be explicitly set in your MANIFEST.MF (because it is no longer re-exported from org.knime.core).
  2. The (deprecated) method NodeFactory#addLoadedFactories has been filled in empty. 3rd party must register nodes via extension points.
  3. Authentication popups provided by the Eclipse platform are suppressed globally. If an extension needs the popup to provide username and password authentication, set the Java system property knime.auth.popups.allowed to true.

If your extension is not working with KNIME Analytics Platform 5.3, please take a look at this forum thread, it explains the necessary steps to make your extension compatible.

Any further questions regarding extension development for 5.4 or help required? Please ask in this forum thread or send us an email!

Best regards

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