I keep on getting the attached error when trying to update KNIME. It may be related to the fact that in my environment I have to start from the version 3.3 and update it from the programme.
Thanks very much for any views that may help to solve the issue!
This looks like a timeout issue reading the repository.
You can change these values by adding a few lines to the knime.ini to make them wait longer for the update site to respond. I believe the default is one second, so any hiccup, or virus scan that takes too long can cause this.
The knime.ini file is located with the knime.exe. You can edit it with any text editor.
Add these lines to the end.
Try this, and if it still persists, then you can download the update site locally, and remove the internet from the equation. Downside is these files are rather large, so lets try the timeout adjustment first.
I have same issue .
We use proxy but I am not allowed to do with it something …
That is why I am not able to download and install nodes from server but I always unpack from zip