Vernalis Community Contribution and KNIME 5.1

Those of you who use the Vernalis community contribution and have installed KNIME 5.1 will have possibly realised that there is currently no Vernalis contribution available for KNIME 5.1.

We are working to resolve this situation and will update here in due course (The new version will be v1.36.4 when it becomes available - hopefully in the next few days.)

Please accept our apologies for the delays with this.



I always test exports of some larger complex workflows on a ZIP install before applying any major version upgrade. That way I can identify missing nodes and other potential compatibility issues. The big eye opener this time was how often I use your “Collection to String” node. I was so used to grabbing it that I started thinking it was a base node. Thanks for all of your contributions to the community and your quick response on the update!


@iCFO thanks for these comments - it’s always nice to hear when people are using our nodes!


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Version 1.36.4 is now available on the nightly build site (you may need to activate this in the KNIME AP update sites -

Whilst all our test cases work, with a completely new UI we have not been able to test this thoroughly at this stage, so if you find anything strange happening (either in the new UI, or in the ‘classic’ UI) please do let us know.

We will hopefully be releasing this on the stable branch early next week.

Thank you all for your patience with this.



Version 1.36.4 is now available on the stable update site for KNIME AP v5.1

Thank you all for your patience with this (and @gab1one and @steffen_KNIME for the assistance over the last 10 days or so to get to this stage)




We limited the functionality for Linux users. Please refer to the following post for further information.

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